Saturday, July 31, 2010

Let's Not Call It Quitting...

I’ve decided to convert my fiction blog series into a novel. The idea of a series where the reader is involved in the story line is a great one, however, I have discovered that it requires much better planning than I was prepared for.

I planned in a way similar to how I planned my novel. I knew where I wanted it to go and was prepared to take on the slight differences in plot that would come with voters’ decisions. But one of the most difficult things with this project was ending with a cliff hanger and a decision. And Publishing ‘live’ didn’t allow me the freedom of changing some major issues that I only discovered in hind sight.

So when I try it again (cause I probably will someday), I’ll plan the exact details of each series as well as each decision and how I’ll work it out either way it goes. For now, Going South will be written as a novel.

Thanks to those who have supported me in this project.


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